Props/costumes: The main prop I will need is the hat. other than that my normal clothes will suffice when it comes to advertising the functionality of the hat. I will also use my backpack in order to show that I am on the move often.- Locations: I will film near the field and the media center
- Schedule: September 22: research and planning. September 24th-28th: storyboarding. September 30th-October 8th: filming and editing.
- Back up plan: If the weather is bad then I will exclusively film at the media center and maybe even at home a little if I am allowed to.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Commercial Planning Blog
Commercial Research Blog
- The actors were wearing sportswear or casual clothing such as gym shorts, t-shirts and the hats that are being advertised.
- Props included sports equipment and everyday items like phones and cups from coffee franchises.
- The music was very upbeat and intense. very loud with few words or dialogue
- There were a lot of jump cuts to shorten certain actions such as running or commuting.
- The line of hats is called PFG which stands for performance fishing gear. Unfortunately there isn't really a slogan for the brand so I will make one up.
- The logo is the letters PFG drawn in a font that makes the curves look like hooks.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Commercial Group Blog
For this project I don't have any group members. I am working completely solo. This is mainly because I don't really know anyone in the class. The people who already had friends in this class were lucky because they didn't have to have awkward conversations with random people in order to have group mates. I believe that I will work better alone anyways. I don't really trust other students especially if I don't know them. Running the risk of having a group mate that doesn't do their part is not worth it if you ask me. I would rather work alone so that there are no chances of bad group mates ruining my chances of getting a good grade on the assignment. I also like the idea of working alone because there are no conflicting ideas. If I work alone then the commercial can fit my vision better. In the past I have had issues with group members that didn't work towards the original idea f the project. Situations like that can be avoided when I'm alone
Monday, September 20, 2021
Commercial Intro Blog
My name is Wyatt McKaskle and I was born in Del Rio, Texas on September, 9th 2005. My dad's name is Lucas McKaskle and he was born in the same town that I was born in. My mother is Barbara Harman and she was born in Orlando, Florida. My favorite food is a tie between hamburgers and pizza because they're both so good I just can't choose. My favorite hobby is playing cards with family and friends. My favorite card game is poker because of the risk you have to take in order to win. It takes luck but skill does come into play. My favorite TV show is Hunter X Hunter. It's about a boy who becomes a monster hunter to try and find his father. My favorite sport is football. I like it because of how intense it can be during a good game. I enjoy playing it too but I haven't played it in a long way. My favorite football team is the San Francisco 49ers because of the colors. I love the red and gold. They remind me of royalty or wealth and I visited San Francisco a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. My favorite holiday is Halloween because I love horror movies and haunted houses. I've watched so many horror movies that they don't really scare me anymore but I still really enjoy them on a dark and stormy night. I have 5 brothers. 3 are stepbrothers and the other 2 are half brothers.I also have 8 nieces and nephews between the five of my brothers. The picture is of me and my nephew Kody who is seven now.
Final task video
I'm relieved to finally be done with the video and kind of nervous about what grade I'll get.

For our opening movie sequence, we have come up with two ideas that we had to pick between. Our first idea was an alien abduction, and our s...
The title will either be in Showcard Gothic or Times New Roman font. The font will hover in from the left center. The credits will be embe...
Some conventions we saw in Godzilla vs Kong were the use of high angles, and low angles with camera shots that help add to how the charact...